Holy Spirit

In Jesus we are made fully alive.

When we accept God’s gift of salvation we receive the Holy Spirit whose presence in us is the breath of this new life!
The Holy Spirit is not an abstract concept but a WHO!
He lives in us and his presence guides us, strengthens us, connects, renews, counsels, comforts and transforms us!

We are invited to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit where we know his voice and follow his ways.

Click on the sermons below to learn more about growing a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The Bible also tells us that there is an infilling of the power of the Holy Spirit available to all believers.

There is a full immersion into the power of the Holy Spirit which then works in and through our lives.

What began at Pentecost spread amongst those who chose to follow JesuS as the disciples layed their hands on them and prayed for them to receive this baptism of the Spirit.

Click on the sermons below to learn more about being baptised into the power of the Holy Spirit.

What is your next step in knowing who the Holy Spirit is and walking with him every day?